
9 Best Free Parental Control App

Secure Your Kids Online Today

Free Parental Control App. In the digital era, where technology shapes everyday experiences, parents face new challenges in safeguarding their children’s online activities. The concern for their safety has intensified with the increasing prevalence of internet-enabled devices in young hands. This has led to a rise in demand for parental control apps that can offer peace of mind to parents. These applications provide various features, allowing parents to monitor and manage the digital content accessible to their offspring. They are designed to protect children from online threats such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and online predators.

Selecting the right parental control app can be a daunting task when faced with the myriad of options available, many of which come with expensive subscriptions. However, there is a wide range of free apps that offer robust features without the need for a financial commitment. These apps allow parents to set screen time limits, block harmful content, track location, and monitor app usage effectively. It is crucial to understand the functionalities and limitations of these free services to ensure they align with the specific needs of the family.

Research and analysis of user reviews and expert opinions play a pivotal role in highlighting the most reliable and user-friendly free parental control apps on the market. Not all apps are made equal, and sometimes the best things in life truly are free, particularly when it comes to digital solutions for family safety. It is the aim of this article to provide parents with the necessary information to make an informed decision about which free parental control app is best suited for safeguarding their children’s online journey.

1- Mspy

Mspy is a comprehensive monitoring tool designed to help parents keep track of their children’s online activities. This application offers a range of features to ensure digital safety for minors by monitoring various forms of data.

Best Free Parental Control app

Mspy provides parents with the ability to monitor their child’s text messages, call logs, browsing history, and location with real-time GPS tracking.

Key features include:

  • Text messages and call management
  • GPS location tracking
  • Web browsing monitoring
  • App and website blocking
  • Screen time management

With Mspy, parents can also review the list of installed applications on their child’s device and block any they find inappropriate.

The app offers compatibility with both iOS and Android devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Additionally, Mspy’s installation process is straightforward. Parents can install the app onto their child’s device and immediately start monitoring activities. Data from the child’s device is updated regularly, providing timely insights.


It is also a major focus for Mspy. The app uses encryption to protect the data it monitors, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential between the parent and child.

Lastly, Mspy offers a customer support service that is available 24/7, aiding parents with any questions or concerns they may encounter while using the app.


2- Umobix

Umobix is a comprehensive solution for parents seeking to monitor their children’s digital activities effectively.

Best Free Parental Control App

Umobix allows for real-time tracking of a child’s device usage, providing a dashboard that displays various aspects of phone activity.

Key features include:

  • Call Tracking: Logs incoming and outgoing calls with timestamps
  • Text Messaging Monitoring: Observes sent and received messages
  • Location Tracking: Uses GPS to track the child’s physical movements
  • App Usage: Details which apps are used and for how long

Privacy and Security

It measures are integral, with Umobix ensuring that only authorized parents have access to their child’s data. Data transmission is encrypted, safeguarding sensitive information.


Umobix supports both iOS and Android devices, making it versatile for different users. Installation is straightforward with guided instructions.

User Experience

The interface is user-friendly, designed for ease of navigation even for non-tech-savvy parents. The control panel offers a clear overview of all monitored activities.

Customer Support

It is available, with options for contact including email and live chat to assist users with any issues or questions they may have.

Pricing structures for Umobix are varied, offering different plans to suit various monitoring needs and budgets. Despite being a paid application, it often appears on lists of recommended free parental control apps due to occasional promotions or trial versions that allow parents to evaluate the app’s functionality before committing to a purchase.


3- Spynger

Spynger is recognized for its robust features that cater to concerned parents seeking to monitor their children’s online behavior safely and effectively.

Best Free Parental Control App

Spynger stands out with its comprehensive suite of monitoring tools designed for oversight without invasiveness.

Key features of the app include:

  • Location Tracking: Utilizes GPS to keep tabs on children’s current locations.
  • App Management: Provides the ability to control which apps children can access.
  • Web Filtering: Enables setting up filters to block inappropriate content.
  • Screen Time Limiting: Allows setting daily screen time limits.
  • Call and Text Monitoring: Monitors call and message logs to safeguard against unsuitable communications.

Each functionality of Spynger is tailored to ensure that parents have the necessary oversight while also preserving the child’s privacy to a reasonable extent. Its user-friendly interface is accessible across various platforms, making it a versatile option for families with differing tech preferences.

Parents can set up Spynger quickly and adjust settings as needed, giving them the flexibility to respond to their child’s evolving online activities. The app’s real-time notifications provide immediate alerts to parents, should any concering issue arise, which is pivotal in today’s fast-paced digital environment.


4- Spybubblepro

Spybubblepro is a monitoring software designed for parents who wish to keep track of their children’s smartphone activity discreetly and remotely.

Best Free Parental Control App

Spybubblepro offers a variety of features that enable parents to monitor their child’s phone activity. These include access to text messages, call logs, emails, GPS location, and even the ability to view browsing history and apps installed.

Key Features of Spybubblepro:

  • Text Message and Call Log Monitoring: Parents can review all sent, received, and deleted messages and call details.
  • GPS Location Tracking: The app provides real-time location tracking and location history of the monitored device.
  • Email Access: Spybubblepro allows parents to read emails sent from and received on their child’s phone.
  • Internet and App Usage: It shows the websites visited and provides a list of apps used on the child’s smartphone.

Compatibility and Accessibility:

  • Spybubblepro is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.
  • The service can be accessed through a web-based dashboard, which requires no physical access to the phone after initial installation.


    • While Spybubblepro is not entirely free, it offers a trial version with limited functionality. The complete range of features is available in the paid version.


5- Phonsee

Phonsee is recognized for its comprehensive features that enable parents to monitor and control their child’s smartphone usage effectively.

Best Free Parental Control App

  • Availability: Phonsee is available for both Android and iOS devices, providing a wide accessibility for different users.
  • Cost: This app is entirely free, which makes it particularly attractive for parents looking for a cost-effective solution.
  • Features:
    • Content Filtering: Phonsee offers robust content filtering options that allow parents to block inappropriate websites and apps.
    • Time Management: It provides tools to set screen time limits and schedules, ensuring children have balanced digital habits.
    • Location Tracking: Users can track their child’s location in real-time, adding an extra layer of safety.
  • User Interface: The application boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy for parents to navigate and manage settings efficiently.
  • Privacy: Phonsee places a high priority on user privacy, ensuring that data collected is handled with strict confidentiality.
  • Support: A dedicated support team is available to assist users with any issues or questions they may have regarding the app.


6- Eyezy

Eyezy is a comprehensive free parental control app designed for monitoring and managing a child’s online activity effectively. It focuses on a user-friendly interface while offering a variety of monitoring tools.

Best Free Parental Control App


Eyezy offers a range of features to ensure children’s safety online. They can track the child’s location with GPS, monitor social media interactions, and filter online content. The app also provides detailed reports on the child’s online behavior, which is pivotal for parents in this digital era.

  • Monitoring Features:
    • Location tracking via GPS
    • Social media monitoring
    • Internet usage and content filters
    • Call and SMS logs
  • Reports:
    • Instant alerts for parents
    • Comprehensive activity reports
    • Specific time and date stamps

Eyezy assures simplicity in its operation; the app can be installed on the child’s device, followed by quick setup processes. Parents then receive access to a dashboard that presents all the monitored information neatly.

  • Usability:
    • User-Friendly Interface: Ease of navigation and setup
    • Accessibility: Dashboard accessible from various devices
    • Stealth Mode: Operates invisibly on the child’s device

Parental controls like Eyezy are essential in today’s technology-driven world to keep children safe from online risks and to foster a responsible approach to internet usage. Eyezy’s free version provides parents with basic yet essential monitoring tools, with the option for additional features should they choose to upgrade to a premium subscription.


7- Clevguard

Clevguard offers a comprehensive suite of monitoring tools designed to provide parents with robust oversight of their children’s online activities.

Best Free Parental Control App

Clevguard is a sophisticated parental control application known for its versatility and range of features. They ensure that parents can track various forms of data on a child’s device, including call logs, text messages, and app usage.

  • Compatibility: It is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.
  • Key Features:
    • Real-time location tracking
    • Geofencing alerts
    • Remote monitoring
  • User Interface: The app boasts a user-friendly interface, making navigation simple for all users.
  • Free Version: Clevguard provides a free trial to test its features before committing to a subscription.

To use Clevguard’s services, parents need to install the app on their child’s device after obtaining consent. The app runs discreetly in the background, providing continuous monitoring without disrupting device performance.


8- Geofinder

Geofinder allows parents to monitor their children’s location with precision and ease, offering a reliable solution for location tracking.

Best Free Parental Control App

It is a free parental control app designed to provide location monitoring for children. It utilizes the GPS capabilities from a child’s smartphone to give real-time location data to the parents. Users appreciate the app’s straightforward interface which is both user-friendly and efficient in delivering the desired information.

The app works by having parents install it on their own device as well as on their child’s smartphone. After the initial setup, parents can view their child’s location through a secure connection.

Geofinder features include:

  • Location History: Tracks the places the child has visited throughout the day.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Updates the child’s location in real time, allowing parents to see their current whereabouts.
  • Geofencing: Enables setting up safe zones and alerts parents when their child enters or leaves these predefined areas.

The Privacy Policy of Geofinder clearly states that the user’s data is kept secure and the location information is shared only with the individuals the user has authorized. This reassures users that their and their child’s privacy is treated with the utmost respect and caution.

To sum up, Geofinder provides a robust set of tools that aid parents in staying informed about their children’s whereabouts, contributing to enhanced safety and peace of mind.


9- Xmobi.Co

Xmobi.Co is one of the reliable free parental control apps that emphasizes user simplicity and strong monitoring features.

Best Free Parental Control App

Xmobi.Co provides a comprehensive suite of monitoring tools aimed at helping parents oversee and control their children’s digital activities. The app’s design ensures that even users with minimal technical know-how can navigate its features smoothly. Xmobi.Co stands out for its robust functionality that includes:

  • Content Filtering: Enables parents to block inappropriate content based on categories.
  • App Management: Allows the restriction of app usage and installation.
  • Time Controls: Parents can set limitations on screen time and define device usage schedules.
  • Location Tracking: Offers real-time location tracking and geo-fencing capabilities.
  • Call and SMS Monitoring: Monitors incoming and outgoing calls and messages.

These features are augmented by Xmobi.Co’s user-friendly dashboard, which provides a centralized location for parents to manage and review all monitored data. The app’s commitment to privacy and security ensures that the monitored information is kept confidential.


Frequently Asked Questions

Parental control apps are essential tools for managing and monitoring the digital experiences of children. This section addresses common queries regarding the availability and effectiveness of free parental control apps across various platforms.

Q1-What are the most reliable free parental control apps for Android devices?

Answer: For Android devices, Google Family Link stands out for its comprehensive set of tools, allowing parents to supervise app usage, set device time limits, and view app activity. Another notable option is KidLogger, which provides parents with insights on device usage and visited websites.

Q2-Can I find a fully free parental control app for iOS, and how effective is it?

Answer: On iOS, parents can use Apple’s built-in Screen Time feature which is effective for basic parental controls like tracking device usage and setting time allowances. However, fully free third-party parental control apps may offer limited features compared to their premium versions.

Q3-Are there cross-platform parental control apps available at no cost?

Answer: Yes, there are free cross-platform parental control apps. Kaspersky Safe Kids is available for multiple platforms and provides fundamental monitoring tools without cost, while Qustodio offers a free version that includes basic protection features across different operating systems.

Q4-How can I track and monitor my child’s online activity without any charges?

Answer: Parents can use a combination of free tools such as OpenDNS Family Shield for internet filtering, and the aforementioned Google Family Link or Screen Time for monitoring and managing online activity, all without incurring any fees.

Q5-What are the top-rated free apps for managing and limiting screen time on my child’s iPad?

Answer: Screen Time, which is integrated into iOS, is highly rated for managing and limiting screen time on iPads. For additional functionality, parents may consider using Zift/Net Nanny’s free version, which offers screen time scheduling and internet filtering capabilities.

Q6-How can I discreetly oversee my child’s smartphone usage with a hidden parental control app?

Answer: Generally, it’s recommended to maintain open communication with children regarding the monitoring of their smartphone usage. However, for discreet oversight, parents can use apps like AppLock to restrict access to certain apps and settings, making it less obvious that the usage is being supervised.

Arooj Shah

Arooj is a Crypto Whisperer! With a flair for demystifying the cryptic world of blockchain and digital currencies, she transforms complex jargon into engaging tales. Whether you're a crypto rookie or a blockchain guru, Arooj's articles are your ticket to understanding this digital gold rush with a touch of fun and a lot of insight!

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